Regional Association Help

Create Draw
The Draw Creator is a powerful and quick way of automatically creating a fixture or schedule of matches for your competition.  You can: automatically ass...
Thu, 24 Mar, 2022 at 8:55 AM
Match Manager
Skip to end of metadata Go to start of metadatSearch for matches, review their results and status and perform various/bulk actions, such as making ...
Thu, 31 Mar, 2022 at 3:03 PM
Allocate Teams to Grade
This screen allows teams to be allocated to a particular grade for a particular season.  Allocating teams Select the season and grade from the selector...
Thu, 24 Mar, 2022 at 8:58 AM
Draw Creator - Concepts A fixture type defines a template used for creating a draw of matches according to the defined pattern. To view the pattern or fi...
Thu, 24 Mar, 2022 at 8:56 AM
Replace Team in Draw
After a draw/schedule has been created, it may be necessary to replace a team for the remaining matches for the season.   This is required sometimes: as ...
Wed, 20 Jul, 2022 at 11:15 AM
Regrade Team in Draw
Re-grading a team occurs during a current season and allows a team to be up-/down-graded to a different division once matches have been played.  Where requi...
Wed, 20 Jul, 2022 at 11:14 AM