Scorers can also enter match results from the Live Score app after the game has been completed even if they don't live score the match. To do this, please see the following steps

Note: Scorers can download the Cricket Live Score App at the following links:

Download for Android

Download for iOS

1. Log into the Live Score App, select the match, select the teams if you haven't already, then navigate to the Match Settings screen.

2. Setup the applicable settings for the match, noting that most settings won't impact you here given you are not live scoring the game. Click on 'Match Setup'.

3. You will be asked to select the to select the toss result.

4. After the toss result, a popup message will appear asking if you wish to score ball by ball or enter summary scores. Select enter summary scores.

5. You will be taken the edit scorecard page where you can enter innings and player scores, including dismissals and the batting order for the 1st innings.

6. Close the innings once complete, then select start next innings to fill out the 2nd innings. You will be asked to score the 2nd innings either manually or ball by ball. Select manually.

7. When you have finished filling out the scorecards, select End Match. You will be asked if you wish to save your progress and exit the match, or finalise the result. Select finalise result if you are ready to submit the match.

8. You will then be asked to select the match result. Select the result then press done. You will then be asked to submit the match. Click ok.

9. Once submitted, you will be directed to the matches screen, where the match will appear in the Completed section. 

10. You can then view/share the result or remove the match from the device by clicking on the match again. Note removing the match on the device does not remove the synced scores from the system.