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Go to start of metadatUse this function to download person data for reporting, newsletter sending or other administrative functions.


There are three ways to sort and download Person Lists:


 Using person list (default)

  1. On the Person List screen, use the standard filtering criteria such as role, sub-role, name, date of birth, gender, to create your person list to download.
  2. Click Display Output Fields link to display output field options. Select the fields you wish to download.
  3. Click Download Data link at the bottom of the screen.
  4. Select your download format option and click OK.
 Using custom person list


  1. On the Custom Person List Management screen, select the custom person list and click View. The Custom Person List will display.

  2. Click Download Data at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Select your download format option and click OK.



 Using person filter
  1. On the Person Filter Management screen, select the person filter and click Edit. The Person Filter will display.
  2. Click Download Data at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Select your download format option and click OK.